MAC Group Response to the Ukraine Crisis

Supporting Ukraine through sanctions on Russia and donations to the various causes helping the people of Ukraine.

How are we and the main providers offering support?

We have gathered some information below on how the various providers are involved in sanctions and support around the Ukraine crisis:

MAC employees are rallying around to send donations to “Save the Children” through office fund raising and direct from salary donations.  We are keeping in close contact with our providers over investments and sanctions and will keep our clients updated with important information during this period.

There is no doubt that this is an uncomfortable time for investors but it is never advisable to sell down to cash in the midst of market turbulence.  If your investment horizons are still a long way off, and you do not need any funds in the near term, our opinion stands that you should not make any rash moves.

We hope that this provides some assistance in helping you navigate through this fast changing period.  We will continue to monitor the situation carefully and keep in close contact with the providers regarding our clients’ portfolios.  As always, if you need any information clarified or if there is anything further we can help with, please get in touch with us.