COVID-19 Resource Hub

Support for business owners, directors and employers.

Information below for Business Owners and Employers interested in support and guidance during the Covid-19 Crisis.  If you’re an individual looking for support, click here.

At this point, it’s also worth checking what is available from your workplace pension, life insurance, critical illness or income protection provider to help support your employees.  Most providers have Added Value Services which are there to support your staff not only when something goes wrong, but also during normal working conditions.  Please click here for a summary of what’s available from a selection of providers for their existing clients.

Commercial Insurance

Gallagher Pandemic Resource Hub

Exiting Lockdown

19/05/2020 – Exiting Lockdown: Four Key Questions

Gallagher Pandemic
Resource Hub

This excellent resource from Gallagher’s features insurance FAQ’s and help for your business such as cyber-security and remote working support.

Pandemic Resource Hub

Cyber Security from CFC

The new era of working from home: 

How to stay cyber secure


Insurance implications when working from home

Support for Your Employees

Returning Employees to Work

Returning Employees to Work

19/05/2020 –  As the COVID-19 pandemic curve begins to flatten across many countries and employees prepare to return to the workplace, employers should plan now to address logistics and potential concerns of workers.

Click here for full article

Covid-19 Wellbeing Toolkit

A wealth of information specifically designed to help Isle of Man residents during Covid-19.

A toolkit to support your wellbeing

Support for Your Business

Isle of Man Government pages

04/03/2021 – Click here for the latest business guidance.

06/01/2021 – Please visit the Isle of Man Covid website for the current status and general guidance.
Click here for valuable guidance for employees

15/06/2020 – Workplace Safety Guidance – Addressing concerns for employees.

19/05/2020 – Return To Work Guidance – Draft Guidance for returning to work, risk assessment template, Stay Safe at Work Poster.

03/05/2020 – Medium-term response to Covid-19

General Guidance for businesses and employees

Isle of Man Government Guidance

Department of Enterprise Support

04/03/2021 – Please visit the Isle of Man Department of Enterprise page for the latest Business Support information for the March Circuit Breaker.

IOM Chamber of Commerce


Please be rest assured that as was during the lockdown last Spring, we are here to support our members as best we can and will endeavour to share information and updates on support as quickly as we can to keep you abreast of the situation.   I will be speaking with DfE at noon tomorrow (Wed) to discuss in more details the support for affected businesses alongside these new restrictions.  If you have any questions  in relation to your business please submit via our question portal so that we can direct these in a timely manner to Government: Click here to ask your question.

17/08/2020 – 

Business Advisory Service

The Chamber of Commerce Business Advisory Service (BAS) is a free of charge service that offers local businesses the opportunity to tap into a wealth of knowledge and expertise amongst the Chamber membership.

Click Here to Sign Up