With the dust now settled from the New Year, I thought it only right to take stock and pen an open letter to mark the beginning of 2022.
In a couple of years, MAC’s 20-year anniversary will be upon us and we have some exciting developments to update you on. It’s made me think about what’s changed since we started, but also, what’s remained. Our original values still underpin everything we do at MAC, with every client interaction and every idea of how to improve. We still care more than anything, that our clients feel valued and know that we are there for the lifetime of their financial journey.
Valuing People
Our commitment
MAC has without doubt some of the best employees around. I value them immensely and in turn, they value our clients and each other. Throughout the COVID-19 months, we were very fortunate to not have to reduce our numbers. We altered our working practices quickly to be able to deliver a secure digital service to our clients, that the most tech savvy of companies would be proud of. It was natural that our clients would have had greater concerns over their finances than possibly ever before during these months, so we proactively communicated to everyone that we were still very much available for any guidance. We definitely put a few worried minds at ease where we could around their long-term investments and continued to service our corporate schemes and their employees in a safe and secure manner. I am incredibly proud of how my employees were able to create, deliver and embrace the changes so quickly. The level of commitment to not only our clients, but to each other, was unrivalled.
A touch of new sophistication to MAC
If you’ve visited our offices recently, I’m sure you’ll have realised there’s something happening and you possibly even walked in through our brand new, Athol Street entrance. A touch of new sophistication has reached our client area with a brand-new refurb allowing additional meeting spaces.
If you haven’t seen the changes yet, allow me to share some of the views here and don’t forget to walk in via the Athol Street entrance when you next visit MAC.
Digital Revolution
Continuing to develop our digital technology.
As mentioned, we have already upgraded our entire back-office system to lay the foundations down for enhancing our current service and we massively accelerated this project when the first lockdown hit. We continue to develop our digital tools and look forward to our clients having a more engaging experience where they control their finances at their fingertips. We are developing our website, building an appealing collection of financial education content and our heads of departments are reviewing MAC from a digital perspective, so all in all, there’s a lot happening – but, it’s all good changes and will only seek to improve the already outstanding service you should receive as a client of MAC.
Company Growth
Expanding and introducing full career pathways for those interested in finance.
Following the pandemic months, I wanted to demonstrate my belief and enthusiasm more than ever to the company, clients and my employees by setting some big goals for the next 5 years for MAC. For these hopes to turn into a reality, we’re in the process of completing a review of MAC and how well we’re operating and what changes we can make to further improve the company for our clients and employees. I’m very excited that we’re not only increasing our numbers but have also created a new fresh structure to the team. We have altered the in-house departments, creating new job roles and promotions. We have also brought in new members across the whole MAC group of companies growing the administration, para-planning and advisory teams.
MAC Academy
One of the most exciting developments, however, is how the new structure will allow a complete career progression for somebody new to the industry through to chartered and executive level. We have the resources, infrastructure and facilities to deliver full on-site training to allow someone to progress, gain experience and pass exams. The MAC Academy at MAC Group is the best place to train for a career in financial services.
So thank you again to the employees and valued clients of MAC. Together you make this company, and I couldn’t be more proud of where we are right now. I look forward to seeing where we are, when we hit 20 years old in 2024.
Best wishes
See below for anything you may have missed over the last year.
MAC Charity Golf Day 2024
MAC Group is excited to announce its upcoming charity golf day, set to take place on Friday, September 13th, at the prestigious Ramsey Golf Club.
Minimum wage increase 2024
With effect from 1 July 2024, the ‘interim‘ new minimum wage will increase. Rebecca Netten, Head of Corporate Advisory shares the impact upon pension schemes.
MAC sponsors Isle of Man Youth & Junior Cycling Tour
MAC Group, the Isle of Man’s largest independent financial advisory and insurance broking group, is proud to announce the sponsorship of the first stage of the Isle of Man Youth & Junior Cycling Tour 2024.